a quick break down of the "seven" kingdoms of westeros

 Kings of the rock= house lannisters Kings of the vale= house arryns Kings in the north= house starks Rulers of the riverlands= house hoare Kings of the iron islands house hoare Kings in the reach= house garnders Kings of the stormlands= house durrandons Rulers of dorne= multiple kings including house martell the targaryens were not kings only a noble house of dragonstone until aegon and his sisters flew over and conquered westeros....aegon then restructored westeros giving the tullys the riverlands and giving the tyrells the reach and keeping eyes on dorne (house martell) house hoare was burned in harrenhal and the ironborn left the riverlands back to the iron island.....aegon was fine with that since aegon saw no real value in conquering the iron island to begin with.....and aegon's bastard half brother orys baratheon claimed the stormlands and thus began house baratheon......so out of 9 kingdoms 7 are to be original but out of 7 kingdoms only the westerlands, vale, north, and stormlands that were an actually ruling kingdom before aegon came over....the rest were either not in power as kings or rose to power as wardens by aegon.